Hosted Buyer Application Form

Selection criteria for the MICE Buyers

Sri Lanka MICE Expo 2024 – Southern Edition organized by Sri Lanka Convention Bureau will be held from 27 - 31 May 2024 in Sri Lanka.

Buyer Selection Criteria - In order to qualify to be a hosted buyer, the Applicant must demonstrate that they organize international events and fill in the detailed online Application Form.

While we look forward to endeavor all interested companies / individuals to be hosted as MICE buyers, this Application Form does not guarantee the selection and is subjected to a final evaluation. All applicants will be evaluated to ensure that the hosted buyers will make an impact on the local MICE industry with their future businesses.

Buyers are fully hosted. All costs related to air tickets, accommodation, local transportation, meals, entertainments and familiarization tour will be covered by SLCB. Hosted buyers are expected to arrive on 27th May 2024 before noon and depart on 31st May 2024 after breakfast. It is mandatory for all buyers to attend the full day B2B program on 28th May 2024. All selected hosted buyers are required to enter into an Agreement with SLCB.


Personal Details


Business Details


Event Details


Finalize and Submit

Fill your Details


Business Details

If yes, please provide details
If you have participated previously, did your company confirm any business to a Sri Lankan Agent ? Please provide details.

If yes, please provide details

If yes, please provide details

Event Details

23. Please provide details of 2-3 international events you / your company has organized since 2017
Reference 1
Event Name
Dates of the Event
Type of the Event
Destination City
Destination Country
Name of Venue/s
Number of Delegates
Average spend per Delegate
Contact at Venue
Country/s where majority of delegates came from

Reference 2
Event Name
Dates of the Event
Type of the Event
Destination City
Destination Country
Name of Venue/s
Number of Delegates
Average spend per Delegate
Contact at Venue
Country/s where majority of delegates came from

Reference 3
Event Name
Dates of the Event
Type of the Event
Destination City
Destination Country
Name of Venue/s
Number of Delegates
Average spend per Delegate
Contact at Venue
Country/s where majority of delegates came from

Finalize and Submit



  • I affirm that the information and proof of my professional industry experience is correct and verifiable and that falsifying my details will obstruct me from receiving a Hosted Buyer position at any Sri Lanka Convention Bureau Event
  • I agree to be bound by the application terms in effect at the time I submit my application.
  • I commit to fully review notification emails regarding my application and authorize to use my contact details for event communication purpose.
  • I understand that all air tickets to the selected hosted buyers will be provided only from Key International Airports.
  • I honor the decision of Sri Lanka Convention Bureau as the final in awarding the hosted buyers program.

Contact Us - +94 77 341 66 65

Sri Lanka Convention Bureau -

SLMICE Expo 2024 -